Love Poetry and Its Countless Faces

There are many interpretations and expressions of love. When love appears as an emotion, people experience a strong magnetic force pulling them to their beloved.

Most lovers complain that they cannot properly express the way they feel. For lovers who are also poets, however, the situation is different, because poetry has the power to hint at, explain, or lay bare what is unexplainable and what is intense.

This intensity of emotion comes to life in a love poem through wit, passion, eloquent phrases, imagery, symbolism, and other tools of poetry such as alliteration, assonance, rhythm, anaphora, metaphors, similes and the like.

Many types of love poetry exist in literature. The love poem of the instant addresses the falling in or out of love in one single moment. Dante Alighieri put together a love-at-first-sight poem expressing a lover's feeling of being reborn.

La Vita Nuova

In that book which is
My memory . . .
On the first page
That is the chapter when
I first met you
Appear the words . . .
Here begins a new life

Another type of a love poetry carrying immediacy and impulsivity seizes the moment without caring what happens afterwards. William Shakespeare says in "O Mistress Mine":
What is love? 'Tis not hereafter;
Present mirth hath present laughter;
What's to come is still unsure:
In delay there lies not plenty;
Then, come kiss me, sweet and twenty,
Youth's a stuff will not endure.

Most commonly written love poetry, by professionals and amateurs alike, is the love tribute. Here is a good example by Oscar Wilde:

To My Wife - With A Copy Of My Poems

I can write no stately proem
As a prelude to my lay;
>From a poet to a poem
I would dare to say.

For if of these fallen petals
One to you seem fair,
Love will waft it till it settles
On your hair.

And when wind and winter harden
All the loveless land,
It will whisper of the garden,
You will understand.

Another kind of a love poem puts forth a proposal to the beloved as Pablo Neruda does in Love Sonnet VII:
I said it again: Come with me, as if I were dying,
and no one saw the moon that bled in my mouth
or the blood that rose into silence.
O Love, now we can forget the star that has such thorns!

Then, there are those poets who treat love philosophically. One such poet is William Blake.

The Clod and the Pebble

Love seeketh not Itself to please,
Nor for itself hath any care;
But for another gives its ease,
And builds a Heaven in Hells despair.

So sang a little Clod of Clay,
Trodden with the cattle's feet;
But a Pebble of the brook,
Warbled out these metres meet.

Love seeketh only Self to please,
To bind another to Its delight:
Joys in anothers loss of ease,
And builds a Hell in Heavens despite.

At times, love is one-sided. Worse yet, the beloved may not have any inkling of the lover's feelings. Walt Whitman voices that in "To a Stranger" by writing:
Passing stranger! you do not know
How longingly I look upon you,
You must be he I was seeking,
Or she I was seeking
(It comes to me as a dream)

Sometimes, lovers have to overcome a few obstacles. Matthew Arnold says in Dover Beach:
Ah, love, let us be true
To one another! for the world which seems
To lie before us like a land of dreams,
So various, so beautiful, so new,
Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,
Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;
And we are here as on a darkling plain
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,
Where ignorant armies clash by night.

Every so often, the beloved leaves the lover, and then, the poetry sings sadly of remembrance or regret. Thus, from centuries ago, Sappho echoes:
I have not had one word from her
Frankly I wish I were dead
When she left she wept
a great deal; she said to me This parting must be
endured, Sappho. I go unwillingly.
I said Go, and be happy
but remember (you know
well) whom you leave shackled by love

If the lover is lucky, the beloved will leave a token when he departs. Here is one such poem from Emily Dickinson.

I Held a Jewel

I held a jewel in my fingers
And went to sleep
The day was warm, and winds were prosy
I said, "Twill keep"

I woke - and chide my honest fingers,
The Gem was gone
And now, an Amethyst remembrance
Is all I own

The many faces of love has been playing peek-a-boo with the poetry lover from millenniums ago in ancient history when Solomon sang "The Rose of Sharon" to Emerson who urged us to "Give all to love" to our present day when modern day poets describe moments of epiphany and feelings of love in fragments, in concrete images, and in sound combinations obliquely, and at the same time, clearly.

Whenever we take a fleeting look, like any great art, love poetry turns out to be the most admired type of poetry that takes a human emotion and transforms it into something sacred, correct, and spiritual. I remember reading love poetry when I was in my teens. Some of those poems stick in the memory after many years and their magic still remains.

About The Author

Joy Cagil is an author on http://www.Writing.Com/ which is a site for Love Poetry. Joy Cagil's education is in foreign languages and linguistics. She is a poetry enthusiast.

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Blogging For SEO: How To Get Maximum Search Benefit From Your Small Business Blog

If you have a small business blog, or are thinking of starting one, you should be aware of the ways you can use your blog to drive traffic to your Website. It's simpler than you think.

The first thing to understand about your blog is that each entry is counted as one Web page. Even if you have your blog set to display 10 blog posts on the same page, each of them is counted as a separate Web page by the search engines. That's why it is important to treat each blog entry as an SEO tool. The following tips should be kept in mind for each blog entry in order to optimize them for the search engines and drive more traffic to your Website from your blog:

1. Optimize each blog post around a single keyword
2. Make sure your keyword is in your blog post title, preferably at the beginning
3. Use subheads with or tags that also use your keyword
4. Include 1-3 keyword links (anchor text) in your blog posts
5. Sign every blog post with a signature link that uses your keyword
6. Use bold and italics effectively to emphasize certain keywords and phrases
7. Be sure to ping the directories
8. Include tags for all of your blog entries
9. Use categories effectively
10. Make links appear natural by linking to internal pages of your Website

Because each blog entry is a separate Web page, the search engines will crawl them and index them just as they do your Web pages. Optimize each one heavily around a specific keyword related to your Website and that's an extra doorway into your Website for each page indexed at the search engines. Also, by adding anchor text to a couple of those keywords and pointing those links to relevant internal Web pages of your Website you are improving the SEO effect of your blog entry. A poll of top SEO experts by SEOmoz revealed that a majority of those SEO experts said these type of keyword links are among the top 10 most important SEO factors for ranking Web pages. Don't give up on keywords and anchor text.

You'll also want to include keyword tags with each blog entry. Those tags will be used by the search engines to index your pages appropriately for your keywords. Also, social bookmarkers will find it easier to tag your blog entry if they like it and this makes it easier to share among their social group.

Your blog category should indicate an important element of interest as well. Unlike tags, you should only choose one category for each blog post. Don't use "main" or "uncategorized." Those are too generic. Use a specific keyword-related category as that will make your blog posts more crawlable by the search engines.

There are more than 100 blog directories that you can ping to let them know you have updated your blog. I suggest you do this every time you update your blog. With WordPress, and several other blogging software platforms, you can input each directory into a field and the software will send out an automatic ping each time you update your blog. If you are not using WordPress you should go to Ping-o-Matic and use it to ping your blog for free.

Finally, if you sign your blog posts with a keyword-rich signature that points to a relevant internal page of your Website, this will make your Website more crawlable and give you another anchor text link. Use something like, "Find Out More About Keyword." Then add another link that points to your home page.

The important thing to remember about keywords and links, whether on your blog or your Website, is to make them appear natural. The benefits are enormous.
About The Author
Caroline Melberg is President and CEO of Melberg Marketing. She has over 20 years of experience creating exciting marketing campaigns for some of the most successful companies in the world. She publishes the popular eZine, "Blue Chip Tips: The Secrets of Blue Chip Marketing...Revealed!" Learn more today at

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Love Links

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Opinion – Search Engine Success

This article is actually the summary to a book soon to be released by the author, titled “Guaranteed Website Success”. Opinions are quite often controversial. Such is the nature of this one.

There a many opinions and conclusions being expressed by so called “experts” at this time. We can’t turn a blind eye to all this information but nothing will replace our own logic and powers of observation. I would like to take a minute to summarize and express my own observations. Some will obviously disagree with these statements and views. Such is the nature of free speech and our ability to draw our own conclusions. I suggest that those that disagree are the ones that are reluctant to use their own logic and change with the needs of the present time.

Google is presently in a state of change. Their objective is honest – to produce valid results for your searches. However in the quest to do that they may stumble a bit in the process. That is a big challenge. They are presently considered the number one search engine and want to stay there. Their processes would seem a bit unstable at the moment but they must and they will stabilize to maintain their own position. There will be changes and modifications aimed at improving the whole exercise. Be observant and move with the needs of the present.

If you visit the forums you are going to see a lot of chatter and a lot of views about what is going on. Thoroughly discussed issues revolve around keyword placement and a term some of the so called experts are abusing “search engine optimization”. Some of these so called experts are in my opinion misusing that term “search engine optimization” They are claiming that they would never participate in that dastardly practice. Well, just look at the term. What does it mean. To me it simply means putting together your website so that people will find it when they search using their favourite search engine. If these guys aren’t doing that, they aren’t going anywhere. Of course they are participating in the practice. They just prefer to call it something else. I can’t figure out why though. The term doesn’t indicate anything under handed when used in itself. We all practice search engine optimization, it’s the difference in success and failure.

Much is being said about “keyword over use, stuffing” blah blah blah etc. Many are claiming keywords shouldn’t even be used here and they shouldn’t be used there. Wake up you “experts” that are making these crazy claims that google doesn’t want you doing this. Yes, you can produce a few results that will support that stand. I can produce my own results very quickly. Pick a dozen search terms out of the air. Do a search on each in google. Go view the source code. I will guarantee you are going to see plenty of first page results that exhibit the so called practice of “keyword stuffing” So what are you guys going to do? Are you going to shun the practice because “some expert” has told you google doesn’t like, it even though google is obviously rewarding the practice. Better not paint yourself into a corner. Use your logic. Observe and move with the market. Nothing is more valuable than your own powers of observation and ability to change to reflect those observations.

Regarding the theory being expressed that google doesn’t want you using keywords . Think about it. The whole basis of the search process revolves around keywords. We don’t search for a whole page of matching data. We search on a word or phrase. Who is going to determine which words are relevant to our website. Of course the search engines must leave that to us. Logic is part of that process and they still can’t get that logic from a machine. It is just too time consuming and resource heavy to try any valid effort at that. The search engines need us to provide that data at this time. If you have figured out the point where the search engines are deciding that “over use” can be stamped on this one, you have done well. I can show you heavy, heavy keyword placement that is being rewarded as we speak. That is now amidst the results of the google changes.

USE YOUR OWN LOGIC. Do what is working . If it is working, nobody can say that google is discouraging the practice.

Personally, I am saying the only rule today is that “there are no rules”

Observe, apply logic, and react positively. Don’t quit on it, because the job will never be complete. It will be a process of constant adjustment to the needs of the present time.

Tom Henricks

I’m not considered an “expert”.

About The Author

Tom Henricks is webmaster at Low Cost Websites, targetted toward helping people improve their website performance. Also a practicing walleye fishing guide near Windsor Ontario Canada.

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